Last updated on May 28, 2022
Receiving your Sundae ISO Rewards via DripDropz
DripDropz has prepared our servers for what promises to be the largest single drop in the history of the Cardano Blockchain.

With around 281,000 eligible wallets, we expect that there will be periods of extreme demand on the chain, and we want to help prepare you for what the first few days of the drop will most likely look like.
To give you an idea of just how big this drop is, currently, the largest drops on Cardano have served around 40,000 requests. So to make sure that we can handle the load, and be kind to the chain, we’ve made a few adjustments to the user experience on DripDropz.
Sundae Drops Won’t Expire
First, and most importantly, your Sundae drop is NOT going to expire for up to an entire year on DripDropz. It is considered an “instant reward” in DripDropz, which means it stays with your wallet between epochs, just like your referral rewards. So there is no need to rush right in and claim your tokens as soon as the epoch changes over.

We know some of you are going to do that anyway. That’s OK! To make sure that we can accommodate that crush of traffic, we’re going to make a pretty major adjustment:
For up to four days, March 1 to 4, DripDropz is ONLY going to offer the Sundae token in the Drip It screen.
That’s right. If you want to claim anything from March 1 to 4, it’s just going to be Sundae token, and that’s it. By setting a single token for delivery, we have discovered that we can serve about 40 DRIPpers in a single eUTxO transaction. This will allow us to clear out the backlog a whole lot faster. Especially since the pilot program Droperators are all in place and ready to help keep our large transactions in queue and ready to get on chain without being skipped by tiny transactions.
We’ll monitor the backlog, and as soon as possible, we’re going to restore all the other tokens to the interface. At the very least, you’re going to have a day at the end of the epoch to claim all of your other rewards.
Of course, if you wait to claim your Sundae tokens, you’ll also be able to continue to claim those rewards with your normal tokens, after the first 4 days.
Slow Token Arrival
If you don’t see your Sundae tokens right away, don’t sweat it. Our team is going to be monitoring the situation very carefully. But you’re going to have to be patient if you get in queue those first couple of days. Your tokens could take upwards of 48 hours to arrive during high traffic peaks. Don’t panic, and don’t open a trouble ticket until at least 72 hours has elapsed from the time that you completed your initial transaction to kick off the withdrawal.

Duplicate Refunds
Try really hard to NOT send your ADA twice. Some wallets have a very hard time giving you feedback during these times of heavy congestion. So do your best to be patient when you initiate the transfer of 3 ADA to begin the process. Give the chain, and your wallet, time to catch up.

If something happens, and you find out that you did accidentally send your payment twice, don’t sweat it. Our automated system will send you a refund. During this window, we’re not going to process any refunds right away. We’re going to let the three days elapse, and then process all the refunds after. So at the very least, you’ll be without your duplicated transaction for about a week. Won’t it be better to just try and be patient, rather than do without?
Wrong Amounts or Send All…
What if you send the wrong amount, or click that dreaded “send all” button accidentally? Same story as above. Don’t panic. We’re not going to keep your precious CocoLoco NFT…

We’ll process your stuff back to you, but again, it’s not going to happen until those three days are over. So please try really, really hard to NOT hit the send all button!
Patience is Key
We’re all about making sure that you get the tokens that you want. We feel that this approach, and your patience, are key to a successful launch of the largest ever token drop on Cardano.

We’re ready for this, and we know you are too! Stay patient, stay safe, and we look forward to making this, and future drops as successful as possible!
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